Wooo Hooo for David Wu !!! .... Someone on Capitol Hill gets it.... in spades!!!!

This message was sent to me by a good friend and fellow broadcaster Dan Flessas ( KBOO 90.7 FM on Friday nights with "The Outside World"... a great eclectic local radio program.)
Check him out if you can, and often!!!
The message is another cry from that majority of people that Bush and his imperialist cronies can't see (and won't acknowledge) through that giant blind spot in their collective vision.
Take a bite out of what goodness Oregon Rep. David Wu. is serving....
Mmmmmmmm.....the smell of people coming together in knowledge, and not ignorance!!!
------ Forwarded Message
From: daniel flessas
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:35:18 -0700 (PDT)
To: my self
Subject: Oregon Rep. David Wu sez:
i was pretty impressed by this, coming from David Wu. It's people like this in Washington who need us behind them, showing them they are on the right track (and not a moment too soon--hopefully not too late either!), so thought i'd share this. i may even read it on the air tonight...
I am deeply disturbed by the Bush Administration's blatant disregard for
the constitutional limits of presidential authority. Our nation's founders
wisely constructed a system of governing institutions that divides power
among co-equal branches of government. Yet time and again we have
witnessed President Bush ignore and purposefully disregard the
constitutional limits of his power in efforts to advance his own
self-serving agenda.
Throughout our history, nations around the world have looked to the United
States as a model of liberty; and we have done our best to set a high
standard. Recently, however, we have witnessed the Bush Administration
ignore the freedoms established in the Constitution on countless occasions
for what they have claimed is in the national interest.
The Bush Administration orchestrated the U.S. invasion and occupation of
Iraq, a policy I opposed from the beginning and continue to oppose today.
I voted against giving the president the authority to go to war and
continue to support bringing our troops home at the earliest practicable
Of more concern, documents such as the leaked Downing Street Memo suggest
that the Administration manipulated intelligence to so that it would
appear as though the Iraqi government possessed weapons of mass
destruction. Similarly, White House attempts to discredit Ambassador
Joseph Wilson's refutation of the Niger yellowcake story, and the
subsequent exposure of his wife Valerie Plame as a covert C.I.A. agent,
show the depths to which the Administration is willing to stoop. The
perjury and obstruction of justice trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the
Vice President's former Chief of Staff and a close advisor to the
president, has revealed that the vice president was likely deeply involved
in the White House effort to discredit Ambassador Wilson.
This serves as a poignant example of this Administration's willingness to
engage in ruthless politics of personal destruction when confronted with
critics who speak the truth. I believe Congress can -- and should --
scrutinize the vice president's actions and policies.
We must not sit idly by while the president and his advisors run roughshod
over our constitutional freedoms. I cosponsored H. Res. 635 in the
previous Congress. This resolution would have established a Select
Committee of the House of Representatives to investigate the Bush
Administration's intent to go to war; its manipulation of pre-war
intelligence; its retaliation of its critics; and its condoning of
torture. The resolution also directed the committee to make
recommendations regarding the grounds for possible impeachment. H. Res.
635 was referred to the House Rules Committee, but was not brought up for
a vote prior to the adjournment of the 109th Congress. A similar
resolution has not yet been introduced in this Congress, but if Judiciary
Committee Chairman John Conyers (MI) does introduce such a measure, I will
give it serious consideration again.
Congress is currently considering H.Res. 333, a resolution introduced by
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) to begin impeachment proceedings against
Vice President Cheney for purposely manipulating the intelligence process
to deceive the citizens and the Congress of the United States by
fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and an alleged
relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda in order to justify the use of
American military forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging
to our national security interests. H.Res. 333 has been referred to the
House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties
where it awaits further consideration.
Unfortunately, President Bush's failings are not limited to his political
Recently, our country bore witness once again to President Bush abusing
his authority for the personal gain of one of his loyal supporters. On
July 2, 2007, President Bush commuted I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's prison
sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice for his involvement in
leaking Valerie Plame Wilson's name as a covert C.I.A. officer. Libby was
convicted in March 2007 of lying to F.B.I. agents and a grand jury and was
sentenced to 30 months in prison. While Libby was required to pay a
$250,000 fine and will remain on probation for two years, he no longer
faces the prospect of serving time in prison.
Although the Constitution gives the president the power to grant clemency
in cases when he deems it to be warranted, I strongly disagree with
President Bush's judgment in this matter. I am deeply disturbed by
President Bush's disregard for accountability and the rule of law.
Commuting Mr. Libby's sentence undermines our judiciary and is blatantly
irresponsible given the severity of Mr. Libby's offenses and the high
level of trust his position in the Administration required. Congress has a
responsibility to protect the American people from unchecked executive
power; and I believe President Bush has overstepped his constitutional
authority in commuting Mr. Libby's sentence.
With this in mind, I became an original cosponsor of a resolution
introduced by Congressman Robert Wexler (FL) to censure President Bush for
commuting Mr. Libby's prison sentence. The resolution expresses the sense
of Congress that President Bush failed to comply with his obligations
under Executive Order 12958 concerning the protection of classified
national security information by revealing to members of the media the
covert identity of Valerie Plame Wilson as a C.I.A. operative. Knowingly
leaking the identity of a covert agent is a criminal violation of the
Intelligence Identities Protection Act. The resolution further expresses
the sense of Congress that in commuting Mr. Libby's prison sentence,
President Bush has finally and unalterably breached any remaining shred of
trust he had left with the American people and rewarded political loyalty
by flouting the rule of law. I strongly oppose President Bush's decision
to commute Mr. Libby's sentence. As my colleagues and I work to pass this
important resolution, I will continue to keep your thoughts in mind. I
respect your belief that the best way to move forward is to impeach the
vice president. This is a matter of extremely serious concern and if the
Judiciary Committee takes the resolution up, I will give a vote of this
magnitude my full and thorough consideration. Thank you again for sharing
your views on this issue. If you have further questions or concerns please
contact me at 503-326-2901 or 800-422-4003. /signed David Wu